Dysphagia as a Presenting Complaint in Carcinoma Lung: A Case Report
Lymphadenopathy, Extrinsic Compression, Carcinoma
Carcinoma lung classically present with symptoms of cough, hemoptysis, chest pain and weight loss. Lung cancer presenting with sole manifestation of difficulty swallowing as the initial presenting complaint is very uncommon. Literature reports 1-2 % patients with lung cancer had dysphagia at presentation. We report a case of 45 years male, who is initially evaluated for the complaints of difficulty swallowing and eventually diagnosed to have carcinoma lung with mediastinal lyphadenopathy as the cause of his symptoms.
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5. Stankey RM, Roshe J, Sogocio RM. Carcinoma of the lung and dysphagia. Dis Chest. 1969; 55: 13-17.
6. Makker HK, Chisholm R, Rate AJ, Bancewicz J, Bernstein A. Dysphagia due to secondary achalasia as an early manifestation of squamous cell carcinoma. Postgrad Med J. 1995;71: 505-6
7. Fleishner F.C. The esophagus and mediastinal lymphadenopathy in bronchial carcinoma. Radiology. 58(1952) 48.
8. Kaasa S, Mastekaasa A, Thorud E. Toxicity, physical function and everyday activity reported by patients with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer in a randomized trial (chemotherapy versus radiotherapy). Acta oncol. 1988; 27 (4): 343–349.
9. Horwich A, Lokich JJ, Bloomer WD. Doxorubicin, radiotherapy, and oesophageal stricture. Lancet. 1975 Sep 20; 2(7934):561–562.
10. Hassan WA, Darwish K, Shalan IM, Elbaki LA, Elmohsen EA, Sayed WH. Aetiologic mechanisms of dysphagia in lung cancer: A case series. Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis. 2014; 63(2): 435–442.
11. Camidge D.R. The cause of dysphagia in carcinoma of the lung. J R Soc Med. 2001; 94:567-572.
2. Le Roux BT. The presentation of bronchial carcinoma. Scott Med J. 1968; 13: 31-7.
3. Hyde L, Hyde C. Clinical manifestations of lung cancer. Chest. 1974; 65: 299-306.
4. Maguire PD, Sibley GS, Zhou S-M, et al. Clinical and dosimetric predictors of radiation-induced oesophageal toxicity. Int J Rad Onc Biol Phys. 1999; 45: 97-103.
5. Stankey RM, Roshe J, Sogocio RM. Carcinoma of the lung and dysphagia. Dis Chest. 1969; 55: 13-17.
6. Makker HK, Chisholm R, Rate AJ, Bancewicz J, Bernstein A. Dysphagia due to secondary achalasia as an early manifestation of squamous cell carcinoma. Postgrad Med J. 1995;71: 505-6
7. Fleishner F.C. The esophagus and mediastinal lymphadenopathy in bronchial carcinoma. Radiology. 58(1952) 48.
8. Kaasa S, Mastekaasa A, Thorud E. Toxicity, physical function and everyday activity reported by patients with inoperable non-small cell lung cancer in a randomized trial (chemotherapy versus radiotherapy). Acta oncol. 1988; 27 (4): 343–349.
9. Horwich A, Lokich JJ, Bloomer WD. Doxorubicin, radiotherapy, and oesophageal stricture. Lancet. 1975 Sep 20; 2(7934):561–562.
10. Hassan WA, Darwish K, Shalan IM, Elbaki LA, Elmohsen EA, Sayed WH. Aetiologic mechanisms of dysphagia in lung cancer: A case series. Egyptian Journal of Chest Diseases and Tuberculosis. 2014; 63(2): 435–442.
11. Camidge D.R. The cause of dysphagia in carcinoma of the lung. J R Soc Med. 2001; 94:567-572.
How to Cite
Dr. Vishal Bodh , Dr. Rajesh Sharma , Dr. Brij Sharma, Dr. Rajesh Kumar. (2020). Dysphagia as a Presenting Complaint in Carcinoma Lung: A Case Report. The Indian Practitioner, 73(9), 38-40. Retrieved from http://articles.theindianpractitioner.com/index.php/tip/article/view/1053
Case Reports