Nasal Glioma: Rare Congenital Neonatal Nasal Masses
A nasal glioma is a rare benign congenital midline mass which usually presents in neonates and infants. If extranasal, it presents as soft tissue midline mass which grows with age and intranasal type presents with nasal obstruction and difficulty in breathing. We report two cases of nasal glioma in infants. In first case it was misdiagnosed as choanal atresia and in second case as antrochoanal polyp. They had an uncomplicated surgical intervention with a good cosmetic result. Pediatricians should know masses seen in neonatal period as they are the first one to see the patient. Nasal gliomas are rare, congenital lesions with a potential for intracranial extension. Evaluation should include preoperative imaging with a thin-cut axial and coronal CT scan and/or MRI. Treatment requires surgical excision.