Patient Relationship Management and its Role in Health Care Industry

  • R. Kochar , H. Kaur Director, SGS Ayurvedic Diet and Nutrition, Khanna, Punjab, India
Keywords: Patient communication, patient satisfaction, patient reminder, compliance,, counseling,, patient motivation, patient participation, patient engagement


Patient relationship management includes all facets of interaction a hospital has with its patients, whether it is out-patient or in-patient. It uses technology to sort processes that influence patient loyalty, service delivery and quality management. Patient relationship management also aims to assess role of patient database in success of health care organization and to implement new marketing approaches in fetching and retaining patients in healthcare industry. Healthcare organizations build the relationship with patients offering more realistic benefits to them. Often, different hospitals use different patient information systems which are not always compatible with each other. Hospitals are the key element in any healthcare delivery system and play the most important role in maintaining and restoring the health of the people. In health care system, patient relationship management practices have become one of the crucial elements for measurement of efficiency of hospital services. These practices are essentially patient focused strategies that involve effective management of hospital interface and interaction with patients.


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How to Cite
R. Kochar , H. Kaur. (2020). Patient Relationship Management and its Role in Health Care Industry. The Indian Practitioner, 73(10), 40-42. Retrieved from