Extranodal Histiocytic Sarcoma Rectum: A Case Report

  • Dr. Vishal Bodh, Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Dr. Brij Sharma, Dr Rajesh Kumar, Dr. Puneet Mahajan Assistant professor, department of gastroenterology , IGMC-Shimla
Keywords: Histiocytic sarcoma, extranodal histiocytic sarcoma, magnetic resonance imaging


Histiocytic sarcoma (HS) is an exceedingly rare but aggressive hematopoietic tumor, showing morphologic and immunophenotypic features of mature tissue histiocytes. Diagnosis of HS is based on histological and immunohistochemical evidence of histiocytic differentiation supported by an extensive immunophenotypic analysis that excludes other large cell malignancies in the differential diagnosis. Search of world literature revealed only three previous reports of extranodal histiocytic sarcoma (ENHS) involving rectum specifically. We report a case of ENHS of rectum in a 65 year old man presenting with hematochezia. Radiological findings were indicative of polypoidal soft tissue mass lesion in rectum. Histopathology and immunohistochemical studies of the resected specimen confirmed the uncommon diagnosis ENHS.


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How to Cite
Dr. Vishal Bodh, Dr. Rajesh Sharma, Dr. Brij Sharma, Dr Rajesh Kumar, Dr. Puneet Mahajan. (2020). Extranodal Histiocytic Sarcoma Rectum: A Case Report. The Indian Practitioner, 73(11), 39-41. Retrieved from https://articles.theindianpractitioner.com/index.php/tip/article/view/1083