Health Day Commemorations 2021: Preening or Prudent?

  • Dr. Priya H. Manihar, Dr. Varun Wani
Keywords: World Health Day, World Tuberculosis Day, World Hypertension Day, World Malaria Day, WHO, knowledge, attitude, practices


Similar to many social events of life, diseases and health-related practices are celebrated annually with titles like World Health Day, World Tuberculosis Day. In this article, we dig into the rationale of these events and highlight a few days that are commemorated between March and May. The history of World Tuberculosis Day is touched upon, along with a discussion of this year’s theme: “The Clock is Ticking” which is a reminder to make good on multiple promises made by global leaders to end tuberculosis. For World Hypertension Day, the emphasis is on proper measurement of blood pressure, with a focus on the correct use of automated machines. The different themes of World Malaria Day are enumerated, which are often repeated for successive years. Although the diseases being spotlighted vary widely in epidemiology, a common link can be seen. Each day shows a specific target with specific interventions. This platform created by the celebration is used to spread awareness and correct knowledge among people so that timely steps can be taken to reduce the burden of disease on the people.


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How to Cite
Dr. Priya H. Manihar, Dr. Varun Wani. (2021). Health Day Commemorations 2021: Preening or Prudent?. The Indian Practitioner, 74(5), 7-9. Retrieved from