Air Pollution Can Create Severe Health Issues Time all Concerned took Notice
Pollution of all kinds, whether air, water and/or sound take its toll on the human body resulting in many illnesses or aggravating existing illnesses. In recent times, many Indian metros have come under the severely polluted category. As the ill effects of pollution on the human body aggravate only over a period of time in most cases, preventive action is ignored and public consciousness on this is also not aroused. Hence, even mitigative and corrective actions from regulatory agencies and administration are not firm and swift. The medical community also needs to proactively warn people of the consequences. To understand the ill effect on human health, The Indian Practitioner had an interaction with Dr. V. Mohan and Dr. T. A. Pramod Kumar. 1st August is observed as Lung Cancer day to raise awareness of its risks, with smoking and air pollution being the most important.