COPD – Trends and Updates in Management
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic respiratory disorder characterized by airway abnormalities which lead to persistent and often progressive airflow obstruction. COPD is compounded with complex pathophysiology, involving interplay of several environmental and genetic risk factors. Patients present with chronic respiratory symptoms of progressive dyspnea, cough, and sputum production, which, if inadequately treated, are often associated with exacerbations and hospitalization. With an ageing population and exposure to tobacco smoke and/or air pollutants, the burden of COPD is only expected to increase in the coming years in our state and country. Already it is the third leading cause of mortality and is expected to become the second by 2030. Management modalities are currently centered on relieving symptoms of airway obstruction, delaying decline in lung function, reducing exposureto risk factors like tobacco smoke, infections and increasing respiratory muscle strength through interventions like nutrition and rehabilitation on the other.
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