United States Withdrawal from the World Health Organization: Impact on Indian Healthcare
WHO, healthcare, disease surveillance, research, public health
The executive order of January 20, 2025, for the US withdrawal from WHO could have a significant impact globally, including on India's healthcare. It can not only reduce funding and technical assistance, but also affect disease surveillance programmes, research, and development. A significant impact may be seen in combating antibiotic resistance, management of public health emergencies, and mitigation strategies. Vaccine access through COVAX is also a key factor. This article discussed these factors and impact on global and Indian healthcare, as well as health governance and geopolitical alliances.
1. Trump Pulls US From World Health Organization: What You Need To Know. From internet Accessed on 22nd January 2025. Available from https://www.newsweek.com/world-health-organization-who-trump-pulls-us-2018064
2. Iwunna O, Kennedy J, Harmer A. Flexibly funding WHO? An analysis of its donors' voluntary contributions. BMJ Glob Health. 2023;8(4):e011232.
3. Trump orders US exit from World Health Organization. From internet Accessed on 22nd January 2025. Available from https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-signs-executive-withdrawing-world-health-organization-2025-01-21/
4. Boyce MR, Attal-Juncqua A, Lin J, McKay S, Katz R. Global Fund contributions to health security in ten countries, 2014-20: mapping synergies between vertical disease programmes and capacities for preventing, detecting, and responding to public health emergencies. Lancet
Glob Health. 2021;9(2):e181-e188.
5. Crawley AW, Divi N, Smolinski MS. Using Timeliness Metrics to Track Progress and Identify Gaps in Disease Surveillance. Health Secur. 2021;19(3):309-317.
6. Singhai M, Jain R, Jain S, Bala M, Singh S, Goyal R. Nipah Virus Disease: Recent Perspective and One Health Approach. Ann Glob Health. 2021;87(1):102.
7. Eccleston-Turner M, Upton H. International Collaboration to Ensure Equitable Access to Vaccines for COVID-19: The ACT-Accelerator and the COVAX Facility. Milbank Q. 2021;99(2):426-449.
8. Acharya KP, Ghimire TR, Subramanya SH. Access to and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccine in low-income countries. NPJ Vaccines. 2021;6(1):54.
9. Aslam B, Asghar R, Muzammil S, et al. AMR and Sustainable Development Goals: at a crossroads. Global Health. 2024;20(1):73.
10. Torumkuney D, Poojary A, Shenoy B, Nijhara P, Dalal K, Manenzhe R. Country data on AMR in India in the context of community-acquired respiratory tract infections: links between antibiotic susceptibility, local and international antibiotic prescribing guidelines, access to
medicine and clinical outcome. J AntimicrobChemother. 2022;77(Suppl_1):i10-i17.
11. World Health Organization. Health systems resilience toolkit: a WHO global public health good to support building and strengthening of sustainable health systems resilience in countries with various contexts. Available from
12. World Health Organization. The WHO Member State mechanism on substandard and falsified medical products: how WHO Member States work together to increase access to safe, effective and quality medicines, vaccines and other medical products. World Health
Organization;2022. Available from https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-MHP-RPQ-REG-2022.01
13. Kristensen D, Giersing B, Hickling J, et al. A global collaboration to advance vaccine product innovations - The Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy. Vaccine. 2021;39(49):7191-7194.
14. Charani E, Abimbola S, Pai M, et al. Funders: The missing link in equitable global health research?PLOS Glob Public Health. 2022;2(6):e0000583.
2. Iwunna O, Kennedy J, Harmer A. Flexibly funding WHO? An analysis of its donors' voluntary contributions. BMJ Glob Health. 2023;8(4):e011232.
3. Trump orders US exit from World Health Organization. From internet Accessed on 22nd January 2025. Available from https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-signs-executive-withdrawing-world-health-organization-2025-01-21/
4. Boyce MR, Attal-Juncqua A, Lin J, McKay S, Katz R. Global Fund contributions to health security in ten countries, 2014-20: mapping synergies between vertical disease programmes and capacities for preventing, detecting, and responding to public health emergencies. Lancet
Glob Health. 2021;9(2):e181-e188.
5. Crawley AW, Divi N, Smolinski MS. Using Timeliness Metrics to Track Progress and Identify Gaps in Disease Surveillance. Health Secur. 2021;19(3):309-317.
6. Singhai M, Jain R, Jain S, Bala M, Singh S, Goyal R. Nipah Virus Disease: Recent Perspective and One Health Approach. Ann Glob Health. 2021;87(1):102.
7. Eccleston-Turner M, Upton H. International Collaboration to Ensure Equitable Access to Vaccines for COVID-19: The ACT-Accelerator and the COVAX Facility. Milbank Q. 2021;99(2):426-449.
8. Acharya KP, Ghimire TR, Subramanya SH. Access to and equitable distribution of COVID-19 vaccine in low-income countries. NPJ Vaccines. 2021;6(1):54.
9. Aslam B, Asghar R, Muzammil S, et al. AMR and Sustainable Development Goals: at a crossroads. Global Health. 2024;20(1):73.
10. Torumkuney D, Poojary A, Shenoy B, Nijhara P, Dalal K, Manenzhe R. Country data on AMR in India in the context of community-acquired respiratory tract infections: links between antibiotic susceptibility, local and international antibiotic prescribing guidelines, access to
medicine and clinical outcome. J AntimicrobChemother. 2022;77(Suppl_1):i10-i17.
11. World Health Organization. Health systems resilience toolkit: a WHO global public health good to support building and strengthening of sustainable health systems resilience in countries with various contexts. Available from
12. World Health Organization. The WHO Member State mechanism on substandard and falsified medical products: how WHO Member States work together to increase access to safe, effective and quality medicines, vaccines and other medical products. World Health
Organization;2022. Available from https://www.who.int/publications/i/item/WHO-MHP-RPQ-REG-2022.01
13. Kristensen D, Giersing B, Hickling J, et al. A global collaboration to advance vaccine product innovations - The Vaccine Innovation Prioritisation Strategy. Vaccine. 2021;39(49):7191-7194.
14. Charani E, Abimbola S, Pai M, et al. Funders: The missing link in equitable global health research?PLOS Glob Public Health. 2022;2(6):e0000583.
How to Cite
Imran Ahmed Khan, Arun Kumar Shrivastava, & Naresh Wamanrao Paliwal. (2025). United States Withdrawal from the World Health Organization: Impact on Indian Healthcare. The Indian Practitioner, 78(02), 18-19. Retrieved from https://articles.theindianpractitioner.com/index.php/tip/article/view/1863
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