A Review of Salt Therapy as a Complementary Treatment for Enhancing Respiratory Wellness and Skin Ailment

  • Preeti Shah Founder, Plera Wellness Plus, Salt Therapy Centre, Mumbai, India
Keywords: Salt therapy, Halo therapy, Speleotherapy, Wellness, Respiratory illness


Salt Therapy refers to a form of Complementary Therapy, which uses “salt” as the one and the only component. It is 100% natural, drug free and safe treatment for people of all ages including children. It was developed after recognition of Speleotherapy where patients were made to sit in natural salt caves for respiratory ailments and skin issues.12 Studies of the atmosphere of the natural salt caves and the mechanics of salt speleotherapy showed that the main factor, which improves health are the smallest airborne particles of natural rock salt - dry sodium chloride aerosol (DSCA) of a certain size and concentration.1 With the intent to provide easy reach to patients, salt rooms are made to provide salt therapy by creating atmosphere similar to a salt cave. For a salt therapy session, with the help of a halo generator, atmosphere similar to a salt cave is created in salt rooms by controlled air medium which is saturated with DSCA with density range (0,5 to 15 mg/m3). The pharmaceutical salt containing particle size up 0,5 to 2, mm is used to generate salt aerosol. The constant level of desirable aerosol mass concentration is maintained automatically. Temperature of 24-26 0C and 40- 50% humidity in the air medium are maintained by air conditioning system and dehumidifier. The patients are made to sit in comfortable reclining chairs and asked to breathe normally. The salt particles generated from the halogenerator, once inhaled, travels through the sinuses and respiratory tract and goes deep into the lungs. It claims to absorb irritants, moisture, including allergens & toxins from the respiratory system and lungs. The salt particles put similar effect on skin by absorbing bacteria and other impurities responsible for many skin conditions.

How to Cite
Preeti Shah. (2019). A Review of Salt Therapy as a Complementary Treatment for Enhancing Respiratory Wellness and Skin Ailment. The Indian Practitioner, 72(5), 28-32. Retrieved from https://articles.theindianpractitioner.com/index.php/tip/article/view/34