Vitamin K2-7, a Promising Solution to Peripheral Neuropathy aroused due to Multiple Myeloma Treatment

  • Bhave AA, Mehta DS, Dound YA, Jadhav SS, Vaidya RA, Vaidya ADB


Objective: A large number of patients with Multiple Myeloma (MM) develop Peripheral Neuropathy (PN). This is either consequent upon iatrogeny with prolonged therapy or as a part of the disease. The persistence of disabling PN, during therapy, often compels the physician to a reduction in the dose of the primary agents or their total discontinuation or replacement. Our previous study with Vitamin K2-7 has shown therapeutic activity in patients with diabetic neuropathy and/or with vitamin B12 deficiency. An anecdotal observation of considerable relief of PN in an MM patient, after chemotherapy, prompted us for this observational study. The present brief communication reports the ameliorative potential of Vitamin K2-7 in the management of iatrogenic PN in MM. Material and Methods: This communication describes a case-series of seventeen patients with iatrogenic PN for MM. Vitamin K2-7 was given orally to patients who complained of PN till 4 chemotherapy cycles and followed up to 5th chemotherapy cycle. Symptoms included tingling, numbness along with burning sensation, fatigue and cramps. This study was approved by an independent ethics committee. Results: Twelve out of seventeen patients reported relief. Vitamin K2-7 had allowed these twelve patients continuation of treatment for MM, without any reduction of dosage or temporary discontinuation of treatment. Three patients had discontinued the MM treatment and two had discontinued Vitamin K2-7 on their own after they did not find any marked relief. Conclusions: This preliminary observational study, to our knowledge, suggests for the first time that Vitamin K2-7 has an ameliorative potential for relief of iatrogenic PN in MM patients. The positive directionality of the outcome necessitates a larger study with an objective assessment of PN with Nerve Conduction Velocity and with the use of validated Visual Analog Scale for subjective features of PN.

How to Cite
Bhave AA, Mehta DS, Dound YA, Jadhav SS, Vaidya RA, Vaidya ADB. (2019). Vitamin K2-7, a Promising Solution to Peripheral Neuropathy aroused due to Multiple Myeloma Treatment. The Indian Practitioner, 72(1), 16-20. Retrieved from