Muehrcke’s lines
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1. Muehrcke RC. The finger-nails in chronic hypoalbunaemia; a new physical sign. Br. Med J. 1956;1(4979): 1327-8.
2. Daniel CR, Sams WM, Scher RK. Nails in systemic disease. In: Nails: therapy, Diagnosis, Surgery. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Health sciences.1997; 219- 50.
3. Feldman SR, Gammon WR. Unilateral Muehrcke’s lines following trauma. Arch Dermatol. 1989; 125(1); 133-4.
4. Monteagudo B, Cabanillas M, Saurez- Amor O, Martinez- Calvo L, Grana- Suarez B. [ Muehrcke’s lines on nails after docetaxel/ cisplatin/ flurouracil]. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009; 32(5); 381-2.
5. Brownson WC. An unusual condition of the nails in pellagra. South Med J. 1915; 8:672-5.
6. Shahani RT, Blackburn EK. Nail anomaliesin Hodgkin’s disease. Br. J Dermatology. 1973; 89(5):457-8.
7. Hudson JB, Dennis AJ Jr.Transverse white lines in fingernails after acute and chronic renal failure. Arch Intern Med.1966; 117(2):276-9.
8. Samman PD, Johnston EN. Nail damage associated with handling of paraquat and diaquat. Br. Med J.1969;1(5647) 818-9.
9. Burhan Ahmed. Medicalopedia-Clinical Medicine. 2011; available from
2. Daniel CR, Sams WM, Scher RK. Nails in systemic disease. In: Nails: therapy, Diagnosis, Surgery. 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier Health sciences.1997; 219- 50.
3. Feldman SR, Gammon WR. Unilateral Muehrcke’s lines following trauma. Arch Dermatol. 1989; 125(1); 133-4.
4. Monteagudo B, Cabanillas M, Saurez- Amor O, Martinez- Calvo L, Grana- Suarez B. [ Muehrcke’s lines on nails after docetaxel/ cisplatin/ flurouracil]. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009; 32(5); 381-2.
5. Brownson WC. An unusual condition of the nails in pellagra. South Med J. 1915; 8:672-5.
6. Shahani RT, Blackburn EK. Nail anomaliesin Hodgkin’s disease. Br. J Dermatology. 1973; 89(5):457-8.
7. Hudson JB, Dennis AJ Jr.Transverse white lines in fingernails after acute and chronic renal failure. Arch Intern Med.1966; 117(2):276-9.
8. Samman PD, Johnston EN. Nail damage associated with handling of paraquat and diaquat. Br. Med J.1969;1(5647) 818-9.
9. Burhan Ahmed. Medicalopedia-Clinical Medicine. 2011; available from
How to Cite
Dr. Kavita Rawat, Kuwar A, Shivchhand AA. (2019). Muehrcke’s lines. The Indian Practitioner, 67(8), 499-500. Retrieved from
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