Isolated Musculocutaneous Nerve Injury after fall from height

  • Dr Sameer Haveri, Patil S, Udapudi S V, Taj F T
Keywords: Musculocutaneous nerve, biceps brachii injury


A 22 year previously healthy man presented to Orthopaedic department of our hospital with inability to flex his left elbow since 6 months. He complained of no pain. 6 months back he
fell from a height of around 20 feet, when he sustained injury to his left shoulder, elbow and left leg. X-rays of shoulder and elbow showed no fracture.
On clinical examination and investigations (X-rrays, USG, MRI, EMG/NCV) he was diagnosed as isolated musculocutaneous nerve injury. He was treated in the form of physiotherapy by
electrical muscle stimulation and strengthening of elbow flexors. At the latest follow up of 2 years he has regained normal muscle mass and power of elbow flexion. He is able to lift
heavy weights without any discomfort or pain. He is back to his heavy labour work.


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How to Cite
Dr Sameer Haveri, Patil S, Udapudi S V, Taj F T. (2019). Isolated Musculocutaneous Nerve Injury after fall from height. The Indian Practitioner, 67(8), 501-503. Retrieved from