Spectrum of histopathological findings in liver biopsy- A prospective study
The significance of abnormal liver function tests in the absence of diagnostic serology is unclear. The aim of this prospective study is to report liver biopsy findings in a large group of
patients with unexplained abnormal liver biochemistry and correlate them with the clinical features to assess the severity of these diseases. Percutaneous liver biopsy is a relatively safe
and accurate method of diagnosing liver disease and should be considered in such cases. A total of 65 liver biopsies were studied, of which, 26.15% (n=17) hepatic tumours, 23.08% (n=15)
cirrhosis, 20.00% (n=13) fatty liver and 06.15% (n=4) viral hepatitis were seen. Further, 01.54% case (n=1) each of alcoholic hepatitis, benign recurrent intrahepatic cholestasis, extrahepatic
biliary atresia, granulomatous hepatitis, neonatal hepatitis, Niemann-Pick disease and secondary biliary cirrhosis were also observed. Liver biopsy was non specific in 9.23% (n=6) and
inadequate in 4.62% (n=3) cases .The role of histopathological examination of liver biopsy is highlighted in this paper.
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