Structuring and Publishing a Scientific Manuscript: Points to Remember

  • Salman Motlekar


Publication is one of the necessary steps embedded in the scientific research process. Journals are always in search of publishing sound research that has an impact on scientific and medical community. Our aim as aspiring authors should be to publish a document that is novel and has the potential to stimulate further
discussion and research. One important aspect to be considered in order to produce high-quality paper is to have high-quality research. However, in reality it is not as simple as it sounds. We tend to overlook this essential part and therefore often end-up publishing in lower-tier journals. In this article, we have tried to provide some important guidance required to build a manuscript and an outline needed for publishing a manuscript.

How to Cite
Salman Motlekar. (2019). Structuring and Publishing a Scientific Manuscript: Points to Remember. The Indian Practitioner, 72(10), 44-46. Retrieved from