A Case of Management of Pruritus (Hikka) by Unani Medicine
Hikka, Kharish Khushk, Pruritus, Unani Medicine
A lot of cases have been reported by Unani physicians in their literature where they shared about the miraculous
effect of Unani treatment in various diseases. When it comes to treatments of skin diseases this system
has a lot to offer. Hikka (Pruritus) or Kharishkhushk is a skin disease that is characterized by Intense itching
with rashes. One patient suffering from Hikka came to the hospital of the National Institute of Unani Medicine
(NIUM), Bengaluru. He was treated in 10 days by using Unani medicines Alu Bukhara (Prunusdomesticus),
Tamar Hindi (Tamarindusindica) and Shahtara (Fumeriaofficinalis) orally as well as Roghan Gul (Rose oil) and
Sirka (Vinegar) locally.
1. IbnSina. Al Qanoon fit Tibb. N.Delhi: Idarakitabusshifa; YNM.
2. Tabari SR. FirdausulHikmat. N.Delhi: Idarakitabusshifa; 2010.
3. Tabari AM. Moalajat Buqratiah. Vol.1. N.Delhi: CCRUM; 1997.
4. Goldsmith LA, Katz SI, Gilchrest BA, Paller AS, Leffell DJ, Wolff K. Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine. 8th ed. New Delhi: Mc Graw Hill; 2012.
5. Khan MA. MuheetAzam.Vol. I.N.Delhi: CCRUM;2012.
6. Ghani N. Khazainul Advia. New Delhi:Idarakitabusshifa; YNM.
7. Khan MA. MuheetAzam. Vol.II.N.Delhi: CCRUM; 2012.
8. Khan MA. MuheetAzam.Vol.III.N.Delhi: CCRUM; 2012.
9. Majoosi A. Kamilus Sanaa. N.Delhi: Idarakitabusshifa; 2010.
10. Baghdadi IH. Kitabul Mukhtarat Fit Tibb. Vol.II. N.Delhi: CCRUM; 2005.
11. Anonymous. National Formulary of Unani Medicine.Vol.I. N.Delhi:Ministry of health and family welfare; 1993.
12. Baghdadi IH. KitabulMukhtarat Fit Tibb. Vol.I. N.Delhi: CCRUM; 2005.
2. Tabari SR. FirdausulHikmat. N.Delhi: Idarakitabusshifa; 2010.
3. Tabari AM. Moalajat Buqratiah. Vol.1. N.Delhi: CCRUM; 1997.
4. Goldsmith LA, Katz SI, Gilchrest BA, Paller AS, Leffell DJ, Wolff K. Fitzpatrick’s Dermatology in General Medicine. 8th ed. New Delhi: Mc Graw Hill; 2012.
5. Khan MA. MuheetAzam.Vol. I.N.Delhi: CCRUM;2012.
6. Ghani N. Khazainul Advia. New Delhi:Idarakitabusshifa; YNM.
7. Khan MA. MuheetAzam. Vol.II.N.Delhi: CCRUM; 2012.
8. Khan MA. MuheetAzam.Vol.III.N.Delhi: CCRUM; 2012.
9. Majoosi A. Kamilus Sanaa. N.Delhi: Idarakitabusshifa; 2010.
10. Baghdadi IH. Kitabul Mukhtarat Fit Tibb. Vol.II. N.Delhi: CCRUM; 2005.
11. Anonymous. National Formulary of Unani Medicine.Vol.I. N.Delhi:Ministry of health and family welfare; 1993.
12. Baghdadi IH. KitabulMukhtarat Fit Tibb. Vol.I. N.Delhi: CCRUM; 2005.
How to Cite
Tasfiya Hakeem Ansari, Prof. Mohd. Zulkifle, Dr. Mohammad Ruman Khan. (2020). A Case of Management of Pruritus (Hikka) by Unani Medicine. The Indian Practitioner, 73(1), 34-35. Retrieved from https://articles.theindianpractitioner.com/index.php/tip/article/view/914
Case Reports